Nov 05, 2024 - 01:15 AM
On the Quatro series - Improper height when printing means that the substrate is not placed in direct line of sight of the sensors. Please center the objects in Columns 1/3.5/6 using the Ruler in Word template creation
On the CP770/800 series - Improper height when printing means that the user has not used the auto calibrate mechanism from the LCD panel - Red circle
On the CP850 series - Improper height when printing means that the user has not used the auto calibrate mechanism from the Auto Switch I
On the CP990 series - Improper height when printing means that the user has not used the CNC Module to calibrate
If printer is printing fast and inaccurately then the use has not used the correct printing settings. Recommended print settings is
Quatro = Plain Paper and Best quality or Photo Paper and Best Quality
CP770/800/850/990/1000 - Semi Glossy Paper / Matte Paper and Standard or Best Quality
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